Wednesday, 28 August 2013

W..W..W.. Wednesdays #4

W.W.W Wednesdays is a weekly event bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading 

It feels like this week is slowing dragging its feet. I wish the weekend would just get here. Enough whinging, It's Wednesday and that means its time to let you all know what I've been reading. Hope everyone has a good week.

What are you currently reading?
At the moment I'm reading Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys. So far I'm really intrigued by Josie's life and all the criminal activities she's in the middle of.

What did you recently finish reading?
I just finished Across the Universe by Beth Revis. This book was, as Elder would say Brilly. I loved all the science fiction elements and it had so many shocking moments.

What do you think you'll read next?
I really want to get started on The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. On the other hand, I have so many books that I have bought and not read. Might dust some of these off.

Thats all for me. Let me know what you guys have on this weeks reading list.


  1. Ooh, hi Rushita! At least Australia get the weekend first, right? I've heard of all of them but not read any- I was thinking of reading Across The Universe at one point but very few people I knew actually liked the shocking moments & I can't handle graphicness or unrealistic character reactions. So, as much as I like Sci-Fi, I really think I'm giving that a miss. I'm probably not going to read Out Of The Easy either- not really my type ;) I stick quite strongly to YA so actually... Bone Season *is* one I want to start! It sounds so amazing but I get your feeling- I'm always acquiring books and well it's just lucky lots of my books are ebooks, some would be incredibly dusty otherwise!

    Basically, that's what think of yours. If you can, tell me what you think of my WWW! It's a three-week special ;)

    1. Hi Amy, thanks for visiting. I can understand why people would not want to read Across the Universe, it does have a few graphic moments.

  2. I really want to read The Bone Season, but like you, I have many others I should really read first! Happy Reading! :-)

    1. Hi Crissi, thanks for visiting. Hope you get a chance to read The Bone Season soon.

  3. I loved Across the Universe. In fact I loved the whole series. Really great. I hope you get to read the rest of it. Enjoy your books. WWW:

    1. Thanks for stoping by Gwynn. I ordered the second book in the trilogy. Can't wait to start reading it.

  4. Enjoy your books.....happy reading!
    Here is my WWW –

  5. I really enjoyed Across the Universe too. I read the 2nd book in the series too - which is great, but still haven't finished it yet.

    1. I just ordered the 2nd book. Hope to read it soon. Thanks for visiting.
