Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Top Ten Tuesday : Books for TV

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

I always enjoy reading the Top Ten Tuesdays lists people write, so today I decided to participate. The topic for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday is books you would like to see as a movie or TV series. I decided to go with TV series over movies because there are plenty of books out there being made into movies and I think that some books are better suited to a television show. With the medium of television, you can showcase the intricacies of a book better.

The Soul Screamers has the potential to be as big as The Vampire Diaries, maybe even better. It has a whole vast array of supernatural creatures you can explore plus a girl who falls in love with both the Hudson brothers. The relationships in this book are also very complicated allowing for plenty for drama.

Rachel Hawkins has said that someone is working on a script for a Hex Hall TV pilot. I really hope that it works out and we get to see this series on TV. A boarding school filled with witches and secrets. Imagine the stories you could tell set at Hex Hall. Magic and hormones are a potent mix .

Rory in London, talking to Ghosts and helping the Shades in their investigations. What could be better than that? I would love to see the secret ghost police of london and their many adventures. All of the characters in these books are so distinct and wonderful. Plus, I would love to meet all of Rory's extended family. Oh, the stories they would tell.

Clive Cusslers's book The Sahara was made into a movie a few years ago. I personally would love to see the Oregon files made into a TV show. It could be the next spy/procedural series. A top secret ship filled with agents and soldiers, whose mission it is to save the world. It would be so cool to see the Chairman's chair and all the cool technology that goes into making the Oregon what it is.

The Gallegher Girls has been optioned as a movie. Either way I would love to see this series as a movie or a TV show. Its another series set in a boarding school with super smart spy girls. I would love to see their training and missions come to life. 

There is so much that happens in Across the Universe. There is murder, politics and the colonisation of a new plant. Beth Revis has built in so many layer into her series that need to be explored on the screen.  We need more TV shows about adventures in space. It would be a perfect companion to the TV show The 100, which is premiering soon.

This would be a great historical show about all things occult. You get to have great costumes and sets. The Diviners is such a big book, and with a TV show format you could explore more of the characters and the many story lines.

The crime aspect in these books is so wonderful. I would love to see Cassel and the curse workers on TV.

This book has such a great and unique premise. The sets would be so lavish and beautiful. I would love to see the narrows and the archive come to life. Mac and Wesley's adventures with the dead have so much potential. I can imagine this show as a case of the week, where we see the life and the resulting capture of one of Histories.

What books would you like to see as a TV show or movie?


  1. Good list, I love Gallagher Girls and Hex Hall and would love to see them on screen.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Both those books would be great on the screen.

  2. I have AtU as well, and I look forward to reading The Archived and The Diviners. Nice picks!

    My TTT

    1. I think there is so much potential in AtU and that the reason so many people have it on their lists. The Archived and The Diviners are fantastic books. I highly recommend them. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Oh, White Cat would be a great one. I would totally go and see that.

    My TTT List

    1. Me too. I would love to see Cassel on the screen. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hex Hall would make a great movie OR TV show! It has a lot of potential. I would definitely love to watch it. It could be a big ABC Family hit - high school drama with a magical twist.
    I am not sure how I would feel about seeing The Archived on the big screen. It was interesting to read about, but I don't think that the excitement would be able to carry over.
    Check out my TTT list: http://booksavvyblog.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kaite. Maybe The Archived would be better as a mini series instead of a full season of television.
